The world today is complicated. Technological advancements have ensured that we are more connected than ever before, yet in many ways, we have never been more disconnected. While we sit in the comfort of our homes, we have access to information from across the globe, literally within the palms of our hands. We are more aware than ever of the problems faced by humanity. Yet the distance provides a sense of security. What we fail to realize is that in a globalized world, every issue is a global one. The United States today is once again in the global headlines. People from all over the world are once again looking at us for answers. The year is 2023, yet the social justice issues we face today remind us, and the world, of our troubled past; and how we deal with them will decide our future as a leader of social freedoms and the land of liberty.
Our connectivity has made the world smaller. A lot of us can travel at will and with ease. We can rally around global causes from our living rooms. We can interact with one another on an unprecedented scale. Our voices and our words have more value today than ever before. A simple hashtag (#) can create a movement with an international reach. The #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter are just two examples among a sea of others. We need to realize the power we have and trust in our ability to bring about social change. Racism, equity, education, healthcare, immigration, and LGBTQ+ rights are just some of the social justice battles that are still being fought in the US in 2023.
What is Social Justice?
The definition of social justice may vary in different parts of the world, from nation to nation, region to region, and, even, from person to person. While wearing a burka may be a basic right for someone, somewhere, it may be a matter of social justice for another. However, there are some definitions that many find to be accurate and broad in perspective.
- The United Nations defines social justice in terms of equity and fairness in the achievement and distribution of the fruits of economic growth.
- The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) says that social justice can be achieved through equity and fairness in economic, social, and political opportunities.
- The Center for Economic and Social Justice considers social justice to be a phenomenon that guides institutional and human interactions towards the ideas of fairness, equity, and growth.
Principles Of Social Justice
Social justice needs to be an all-encompassing idea that unifies us in the achievement of common goals. These goals include equality, freedom from discrimination, fair access to opportunities (social, educational, political, economic, etc.), participation, and the same rights and liberties regardless of race, origin, and socioeconomic status.
The main idea behind social justice is the belief that all human beings have innate value, and that no one is more or less valuable in the eyes of society, and the law. Social Justice at its core is conclusive of just a few things:
- Equal Rights
- Equal Opportunity
- Equal Treatment
The idea of social justice as we know it today is a product of our past struggles. Movements such as the suffrage movement and the civil rights movement have had great influence on our beliefs and ideas about what social justice should be. While the United States is considered a global leader in socio-economic liberties, there is still a long way to go before the fight for social injustice can become a thing of the past.
The Biggest Social Justice Issues We Face Today
To say 2021-22 has been a year unlike any other would be an understatement. We’ve seen pandemics, social justice movements, natural disasters, celebrity deaths and so much more. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has triggered a historic downturn shut down businesses and left millions unemployed. The Black Lives Matter movement has brought issues such as systematic racism, police brutality, and social inequity to the forefront once again. Issues such as wars, food insecurity, poverty, and climate change are more important than ever.
Now, in 2023, the United States is still facing these social injustice issues. You can say that social injustice is everywhere.
To cover all the bases, here is a list of some of the most pressing social issues Americans still face in 2023.
1 – Climate Change
The effects of climate change can be seen all over the world. From the bushfires in California and Australia to the acceleration in the speed at which polar ice caps are melting, the threat that climate change poses to humanity is more evident than ever before. Climate change, however, can bring with it social challenges as well. It can put a strain on natural and economic resources and harm the overall well-being of all humanity. Ironically, despite all the evidence,
there are still many who live in denial. Climate change has also become a political issue that is a source of great division.
While everyone was distracted from the official end of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the effects of climate change only amplified across the country and around the world. Exacerbated by unusually hot and dry weather right after El Nino, North American wildfires alone destroyed 161 acres of land in 2024 alone.
A record number of hurricanes and storms are predicted to hit during the Atlantic hurricane season, with 23 storms already named. In 2023, The U.S mainland only had to suffer the direct hit of one hurricane. However, it is being predicted that out of the 23 named storms at least 11 will turn into hurricanes.
While everyone’s attention was naturally drawn to COVID in 2020 and 2021, the effects of climate change are still being felt across the country and around the world. Exacerbated by unusually hot and dry weather, wildfires in the West destroyed 10 million acres, displacing thousands and creating a poisonous fog that hovered over many states for weeks. A record number of named hurricanes and storms hit the East and Gulf coasts, including Laura, which killed dozens and inflicted billions of dollars in damage in Louisiana, including $1.6 billion in losses to the state’s agriculture industry.
Extreme weather events cost the country more than $460 billion in damages from 2017 to 2019. As temperatures rise, storms are anticipated to become more frequent and intense. Rising sea levels are already approaching several communities along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.
Over the last four years, the federal government’s reduced response to climate change has left a leadership gap that several cities and states have attempted to fill. Following then-President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement in 2017, a coalition of 25 governors, mostly Democrats, formed the United States Climate Alliance. The Climate Alliance, following the Paris Convention objectives, has promised to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At the municipal level, 470 “U.S. Climate Mayors” have joined forces with the same goal.
However, local jurisdictions are hard to be as effective as federal ones. Recent Brookings Institution reports have found that there are currently just slightly less than half of the country’s 100 largest cities dealing with reductions in emissions. Overall, their reductions only represent approximately 7% of the United States’ objectives laid out in the original agreement in Paris. Another 22 big towns have committed themselves to lower emissions but still have targets to establish. Los Angeles saw the biggest emission decline, followed by San Francisco. Tucson saw the biggest increase in emissions, mostly because of the rapid growth in that city.
Virginia joined almost a dozen other states in making a legislative commitment to a future of 100 percent renewable energy last April. However, states, like cities, have limitations on what they can accomplish. Budgets must be balanced at a time when cash-strapped states will be searching for ways to decrease spending as a result of the pandemic’s economic impact.
Federal assistance may be available. The COVID-19 relief bill enacted by Congress in March 2021 included the most substantial climate change legislation in a decade. The package includes billions for clean, renewable energy research and development, as well as extended tax incentives for existing technologies, which is a crucial component of Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion goals to attain 100 percent clean energy by 2035.
The new president’s goal to upgrade the country’s energy infrastructure is a critical component of his plan to resurrect the economy following COVID. Fans of Winter Fest in Caro, Michigan, can’t wait for change. The annual outdoor event, which was scheduled for February, was canceled the previous two years due to a lack of ice and snow. This year, organizers aren’t relying on the weather to determine whether or not the event will take place. The event in 2021 was canceled, this time due to the coronavirus.
The ongoing war in Gaza has only accelerated this global disaster, with hundreds of missiles going off within weeks. The toxic gas emissions and infrastructure collapse being caused by this ongoing war is on a scale never seen before.
2 – Healthcare
Social justice and healthcare are heavily linked. An important aspect of social justice is the ability to have fair access to healthcare. However, healthcare in 2021-2022 in the US remains a controversial subject despite the passing of the Affordable Care Act of 2010. There are still immense gaps in terms of coverage and access, especially where mental health issues are concerned.
Even though the United States spends more on healthcare than any other country, it has not translated into higher life expectancy and universal care. COVID-19 has highlighted the inadequacies in the healthcare system; the lack of awareness, inability to access tests and treatment and insufficient mental health care are all matters of great concern.
Around 1 billion individuals, according to the WHO, invest at least 10% of their family income in healthcare and are at risk of falling into poverty. One of the most pressing social justice challenges is universal healthcare, which assures that everyone gets access to all necessary treatment without financial burden.
3 – Refugee Crisis and Immigration
Who isn’t aware of former President Trump’s views on immigration? From building a wall along the Mexican border to travel bans for certain countries, the Trump administration’s immigration policies have been in the headlines constantly. You only need to log in to any social media platform and you will likely come across some abuse or brutality committed by ICE agents.
The refugee crisis dominated the headlines throughout 2019. UN figures indicate that a historic high of nearly 3.2 million encounters has occurred at the borders in the fiscal year of 2023, of which many million have ended up in refugee camps all over the world.Refugees face many social challenges such as in accessing education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. The current administration’s policies in dealing with refugees have led to much criticism.
Now, nearly over 2.4 million refugees will be in need of resettlement according to the UNHCR. This marks a 20% increase compared to 2023. There are several reasons for this, such as the pandemic, climate change, terrorism, war, and other factors.
4 – Body Autonomy
It may come as a surprise to many across the world, but body autonomy is an ongoing issue in the United States. While the US has its say in issues such as drug tests, child safety, euthanasia, etc., a part of society believes what an individual chooses to do with their body, may it be abortion, should be well within their rights. Whereas people from the other part of the debate are of the opinion that such acts are not an individual’s decision as it impacts another life, albeit unborn. Regardless of which side of the debate a person is on, abortion is one of the most divisive issues in USA in 2023. While it is legal throughout the USA, there are
laws in many states that restrict access to abortion. It is a divisive issue that has even led to protests and rioting from both sides of the debate.
Ironically, many people who do not believe in a woman’s autonomy, are extremely vocal about their own individual rights and not receiving a Covid vaccine. Anti-vaxxers demand they have a say over their body and complain about “government overreach” while dismissing scientific evidence that shows vaccinations slow the spread of Covid-19, decrease hospitalizations and can prevent death.
5 – Racial Injustice
Racial injustice in America is a problem as old as the country itself. Perhaps, even older. Its impact can be found in education, business, media, and daily life. The ongoing protests and riots are a testament to the severity of the problems faced by minorities in America. It has had long-term mental, physical, social, political, and economic consequences for African Americans and others that have faced discrimination.
The Covid-19 epidemic disproportionately affected racial and ethnic minorities, particularly Black, Latinx, and Native communities, who faced an increased risk of infection, major sickness, and death from the disease, as well as severe economic consequences. These gaps are associated with long-standing imbalances in health outcomes and access to care, education, employment, and economic position.
Some localities, as well as the state of California, acknowledged that these discrepancies came from the heritage of slavery and examined various forms of restitution to correct them. At the federal level, HR 40, a measure in Congress proposing the establishment of a commission to explore slavery’s impact and develop reparations options, acquired extraordinary traction, with 170 House co-sponsors and 20 Senate co-sponsors as of November.
Human Rights Watch encouraged state and local officials in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in May to compensate relatives and survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, in which a white mob murdered several hundred Black people and demolished an affluent Black neighborhood.
Following the Covid-19 pandemic, many persons of Asian heritage faced violence and racial discrimination, particularly as anti-Asian slurs were used to describe the coronavirus.
6 – Gun Violence
Many consider gun violence to be a public health crisis. However, its impact can be felt across all aspects of life in the USA. While the right to bear arms is protected by the Constitution, there have been many laws proposed with the intention to curb gun violence. These include more thorough background checks or banning certain types of weapons for civilian use.
According to 2017 figures, gun violence accounted for nearly 11, 000 deaths in the USA. The United States is one of the leaders in the rate of murder or manslaughter using firearms in the western world, while it is the global leader in terms of gun ownership – over 120 guns for every 100 citizens. Events such as mass shootings in schools have had a great impact on American society.
7 – LGBTQ+
The rights of LGBTQ+ has been a long standing issue in US and around the world. Members of the LGBTQ+ community are still frequent victims of discrimination, harassment, and violence. They are often unable to access to the same educational, healthcare, economic, political and other opportunities.
Marital rape is a type of sexual abuse in which sexual activities are done on someone without their consent. As shocking as this may seem,in the United States alone, around 10-14 percent of married women have been raped by their husbands. One-third of women reported experiencing ‘unwanted sex’ with their spouses. Marital rape is prohibited in all 50 states of the United States.
Some governments around the world distinguish between married and non-marital rape, subsequently categorizing them and dealing with them in separate manners. Many, however, believe the crime should be addressed one way regardless of the relationship between victim and perpetrator: as an egregious violation of a person.
Even in 2023, thousands of youngsters are being neglected across the US, in addition to being mistreated physically, sexually and morally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), up to one-quarter of adults were molested as children. These types of assaults have lifetime of social and economic consequences, including psychological problems for these children as they grow into adults.
Countries including the US have struggled with the problem of the Muslim veil, which comes in a variety of forms, including the body-covering and the niqab, which covers the face except for the eyes. The discussion encompasses freedom of religion, women’s equality, secular values, stretching as far as terrorist worries.
The veil controversy is still a part of a larger discussion even in 2023 regarding multiculturalism, with many politicians arguing that there should be a stronger effort to accommodate ethnic and religious minorities.
Global organizations, grassroots groups and various government agencies have been attempting to address poverty for several years. However, according to the World Bank, ending extreme poverty by 2030 seems doubtful. COVID-19 had a huge impact on this. Around 70 million people faced extreme poverty in 2020. This is the greatest increase since the world began measuring economic inequality in 1990. Extreme poverty, defined as earning just under $2.15 per day, is concentrated in difficult-to-reach places such as rural areas, and conflict zones. Ending poverty is a difficult process that includes solving other social justice issues such as poor education, inadequate healthcare, and gender discrimination, among others.
One of the reasons behind the rising wealth gap is the gender pay difference. Statistically, women earn 16% less than men. For every dollar earned by a man, a woman earned 16% less. Ths pay gap extends to almost every profession. And the discrimination doesn’t just stop at pay percentages, but also extends to women’s ability to get high ranking white collar jobs after their late twenties.
According to Freedom House, an institution that undertakes investigation and activism on political liberty and democratic freedom, worldwide freedom is deteriorating. According to their 2022 assessment, while just 25 countries enhanced their democracy, 60 countries deteriorated. Southeast Asia, where the junta still rules in Myanmar, may do worse in 2023.
This is discrimination against others because they are neither humans nor a creature cherished by humans. We see this in the horrible way farmed animals are handled. Speciesism exists all around us: animals are used as food, amusement, and laboratory test subjects. They are frequently regarded as “less than” people, and so as worthless commodities. In actuality, they are other creatures with rights and emotions who share our world with us.
Fat shaming in the job market has emerged as a prominent social justice issue in 2023, highlighting the discriminatory practices individuals face based on their body weight and appearance. In many industries, weight bias persists, leading to unfair treatment and limited opportunities for people who are overweight or obese. Fat shaming in the job market can damage self-esteem, mental health, and career prospects.
Fat shaming violates the human rights and dignity of people who are overweight or obese. This issue infringes upon individuals’ rights and perpetuates harmful stereotypes and prejudices.
Discrimination against pregnant women has emerged as a significant social justice issue in 2023 that demands attention and action. Highlighting the unfair treatment and harassment women experience due to their pregnancy or potential pregnancy. Discrimination occurs in various settings, including employment, education, healthcare, and public services. Women find it harder to land jobs in comparison to men on the basis of their requirement of long term maternity leaves and resignation in face of a pregnancy. The detrimental effects of such discrimination on women’s health, income, career prospects, and rights underscore the urgent need to address this social injustice. Discrimination against pregnant women violates their rights and perpetuates gender inequalities and economic disparities.
The lack of safe and clean water access has become a pressing social justice issue in 2023, affecting millions worldwide. This issue encompasses the inequitable distribution, scarcity, and contamination of water sources, disproportionately impacting marginalized communities. The lack of water jeopardizes public health and sanitation, increasing disease prevalence and poor hygiene practices. Communities without clean water often use contaminated sources, leading to waterborne illnesses such as diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid. Vulnerable populations, including children and older people, are particularly affected, perpetuating health inequalities and hindering overall well-being.
Slavery and human trafficking continue to be significant social justice issues in 2023, despite ongoing efforts to combat these egregious human rights violations. Millions of individuals, including men, women, and children, are subjected to forced labor, sexual exploitation, and other forms of modern-day slavery. The victims often come from vulnerable populations, including the poor, migrants, and marginalized communities, who are deceived, coerced, or abducted by traffickers. This heinous practice strips individuals of their freedom and exposes them to physical and psychological abuse, extreme living conditions, and the denial of basic human rights. Slavery and human trafficking thrive due to complex factors such as poverty, political instability, armed conflicts, and demand for cheap labor and sexual exploitation. Globalization and technological advancements have also facilitated victims’ movement across borders, making it a transnational issue that requires international cooperation and comprehensive strategies.
Stereotyping is a pervasive social justice issue in 2023, causing prejudice and discrimination toward individuals and groups based on preconceived notions and generalizations. When we hold negative stereotypes about certain groups, it influences how we perceive and treat them, often leading to unfair treatment and unequal opportunities.
For instance, a common stereotype is that all immigrants are criminals. This biased belief has been used to justify discriminatory policies, as seen in implementing the Muslim Ban in the United States. Similarly, the stereotype that women are less competent than men in math and science perpetuates gender inequality, leading to the underrepresentation of women in these fields. Consequently, women may face discrimination and barriers in pursuing careers in these areas.
The absence of access to health coverage and services resulted in greater rates of maternity and cervical cancer fatalities in comparison to similar countries, with Black women suffering at a higher rate. On January 28th, 2021, President Biden released a presidential memo on preserving women’s health, renouncing Trump administration policies that made it harder for women to communicate freely with doctors, receive health treatments, and obtain health data.
On March 8th, 2021, Biden signed an executive order forming the White House Gender Policy Council, which is entrusted with, among other things, boosting the availability of comprehensive medical care, reducing health inequalities, and supporting reproductive and sexual health and rights. It announced a national policy on gender equality and equity on October 22, 2021.
The US states demand minors under the age of 18 to engage a parent in their abortion choice or go to court to obtain a legal bypass. Then, in September, a new Texas law banned almost all abortions after the sixth week of pregnancy. The legislation remained in effect at the time of writing when the Supreme Court declined to prohibit it in reply to an urgent petition.
At the moment of writing, the Supreme Court was set to take oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a case involving a Mississippi abortion limitation.
As abortion access grew more restricted in some areas, the FDA approved in April for mifepristone, a medication used in legal abortions, to be administered and delivered by mail for the length of the epidemic.
21 – Freedom Of Speech
Freedom of speech and self expression has come under intense scrutiny in The United States in 2024. Hate speech and repression of self ideology has been on the rise the past few months. Not only have social media apps been banned in many states but peaceful protestors also have faced many attacks, on the bases of public safety. Balancing freedom of speech with the need to protect individuals and communities from harm remains an ongoing challenge in American society.
Black Lives Matter – Incident of Arianna Delane ‘Niece of George Floyd’
Arianna Delane , the 4-year-old “niece of George Floyd”, was attacked before 3 am while she was at her home with another child and four adults. She was brought to the hospital for emergency surgery for a ruptured lung and liver. The attack also resulted in three of her ribs being fractured.
Arianna had earlier attended Black Lives Matter marches along with her family members following the death of her great uncle George Floyd.
It was a targeted attack according to her father Derrick Delane. “My daughter jumped up and said, ‘Daddy, I’ve been hit and I was shocked until I saw the blood and I realized my four-year-old daughter was really hit,” her father added. “She had no idea what was going on. She was sound sleeping”.
Police have been slammed for their response to the event when Delane’s father informed that they didn’t arrive at the site until 7 a.m., which is more than four hours after the attack.

The late reaction prompted an Internal Affairs inquiry, according to Houston Police Chief Troy Finner. “I am aware and have concerns regarding the delayed response time in this incident and have initiated an Internal Affairs investigation,” he said. “I ask the city to continue to pray for the child’s full recovery and assist in providing information that would lead to the arrest of the suspect or suspects responsible.”
Polices said in a statement that they don’t know if the bullets were fired by a single individual or by numerous persons. They say they have no motive for the crime. The investigations are still ongoing to find what was behind this attack.
How to Support Social Justice Causes Meaningfully
It is easy to sit at home, like social media posts, and share hashtags. However, achieving social justice isn’t that simple. Those who wish to support various social justice causes in a meaningful way can:
- Conduct thorough research and educate themselves in regards to a particular cause or movement.
- Work on their own beliefs and behavior to start the change from within.
- Take action within the community and engage in meaningful discussions and awareness programs.
- Join peaceful protests and demonstrations.
- Join reputable organizations working for noble causes.
- Use the power of social media meaningfully.
- Volunteer time and energy.
- Donate to reputable organizations and important causes.
Here are some resources to help you expand your knowledge and partake against these social injustices:
- Social Justice Isn’t What Think (Michael Novak)
- Feminism and Social Justice (University of California Santa Cruz)
- Love as a Force For Social Justice (Stanford)